Mapping Actors in the South-South Cooperation Space in Africa

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Are you a civil society actor, NGO, University programme, grassroots organisation or think tank running an emerging powers (China/India/Brazil/BRICS/S.Korea etc) or South-South Cooperation project in Africa? If you are, kindly consider registering with us!

Fahamu’s Emerging Powers Project is keen to map actors engaging in the South-South cooperation space in Africa.

Over the years the strategic objective of the project has been to enhance civil society voices and perspectives on the emerging powers’ footprint in Africa.

This mapping exercise is part of Fahamu Africa’s objective of developing various platforms upon which Africa’s voice and response can be integrated, developed and sustained through a focus on the role of civil society groups and actions.

Fahamu’s Emerging Powers Project is here working with the broad understanding of the term Civil Society to include all structured social collectives and organisations operating in the public sphere with a relative autonomy from state and market.

In this sense, Civil Society Organisations are the kind of organisations that typically work around project implementation, policy dialogue, debate and advocacy, public policy research, in relation to issues of social, economic and political development.

In so defining Civil Society the project is keen to engage with a wide spectrum of actors ranging from grassroots/community-based organisations to think tanks, from NGOs operating in Africa to Universities.


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Mapping of South-South Cooperation Actors

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